Credits: CodanRaigen21
Main features:
- Cave crystals - Spawn somewhere near bedrock, there are three types of crystal: Diamond, emerald, and lapis lazuli.
- Turret - Used for protection purposes, attacks every hostile entity in sight, can be slightly upgraded using a bow.
- Jelly fish - Can be found underwater, don't come close to it or you will get poison effect.
- Lion’s mane jellyfish - A more dangerous, yet a more rare type of jellyfish.
- Mahi mahi - Known as a dolphin fish.
- Lion fish - Poisonous kind of fish.
- Wraithen boss - Winged wither boss that is extremely hard to beat, has 3 stages.
- Chill rave boss - Can be found in the frozen ocean biome, uses ice spikes to protect himself from damage. Uses Ice blocks as a ranged weapon.
- Stone eater - Inspired from the anime series “Goblin Slayer”, These will give you mining fatigue and can spawn underground.
- Ender carcass - Basically, it is an Ender Zombie, that uses powers of Ender to teleport himself and to throw snowballs.
- Frost eater - Spawns in frozen oceans. Can give you slowness for 45 seconds.
- Ryft - This mobs kind of alike Enderman, it prefers to look for his victims in dark forests.
- Skeleton knight - prefers to wield melee weapons, unlike the regular Skeleton.
- Sunken - An underwater variant of the skeleton.
- Warrior villager - A guardian that protects villagers from pillagers.
- Turreteer - A villager that operates a turret, shoots a few projectiles at once.
- Cannon-man - This villager uses a very big gun, to shoot monsters with explosives.

How to install addons:
- Download addon into your device
- Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click on it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create new or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
- Mod requires "Experimental gameplay" enabled in the world settings