Credits: ZachMC
Main features:
- Vampire Source (Zombie) - better speed and strength
- Vampire (Husk) - better speed and strength, doesn't burn in the sunlight.
- Vampire Villager (Zombie Villager) - has a chance to transform villager into Vampire Villager.
- Healing Star (Nether Star) - cures infected villagers. Obtained by killing the Forbidden Boss (replaces the Wither Boss).
- Vampire's Cape (replaces Elytra) - dropped by vampires.

How to install addons:
- Download addon into your device
- Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click on it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create new or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply